Jimmy Wright


Growing up in New Zealand, Jimmy had the Pacific Ocean as his playground and lived to surf. At 18 he discovered kayaking and the joys of playing in the ever different flows of whitewater rivers. Along the way he met his wife Marisa, a Missoula local, they followed summers between Montana, Alaska, and New Zealand working as guide/instructors, finding more rivers to play in and raising their two boys Wilder and Radley.

Andrew Gonzales

Co-founder/ instructor

Originally from the Washington State, Andrew came to Missoula for the University. Quickly after arriving in Missoula he fell into the world of whitewater kayaking and has been overtaken by it's endless adventures ever since. Like Jimmy, Andrew's passion and love for rivers has brought him to Crux, where sharing the joy of kayaking is the ultimate reward.

Bailey McCann

Executive Director

Bailey is originally from the Flathead Valley where she grew up on rivers. She obtained a degree in Business Management and Writing from Montana State University. Bailey spent five seasons in Northwestern Montana and Southern California guiding and safety kayaking. She is thankful that she was introduced to whitewater at a young age and is passionate about introducing Missoula’s future river rats to this sport. She believes the whitewater community is not only the strongest but also the best community anyone can belong to.

Zack Sippel

Senior Kayak Instructor

Zack learned how to kayak through Crux Adventures and it has shaped his life ever since. Kayaking led him to live in foreign countries and introduced him to a vibrant and welcoming community in Missoula and abroad. Zack earned a degree in Plant Biotechnology and Genetics from Montana State University. He has a passion for passing on his knowledge and excitement for the sport.  Zack is returning for his fifth season of instructing and loves seeing growth and potential in his students. His biggest goal is to teach kids how to assess and manage risk, and create a safe environment for them to confront fear and step out of their comfort zone.